We just turned in the keys to the Bad Dog. I don't know why but I wasn't expecting to feel so traumatized. I came home to an empty house feeling like I'd been to a funeral. The worst part being over, but knowing that the closure process will still take ages, and probably convert itself into an obsessive compulsive imaginary cancerous lump somewhere. Yup, that's the way to process stress & change, never look it straight in the face - just imagine a horrifying death instead...
When the BD had it's first brush with closure in the summer, Scott sent me the death email saying his wife was done with the place, and he didn't know what to do or think so he was going to the movies.
That's what I'm doing now. The Princess and the Frog at 2:35, Sherlock Holmes at 4:00, Invictus at 7:10, and Avatar 3D at 10:35.
I do not want to think, feel, process, reminisce, or talk. I don't want to pretend things are ok.
Thank dog for Hollywood.
So Sad.....
Personally, I think getting drunk works better.
ugh. Hope the movies helped. Sherlock was good to me.
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