Sunday, February 14, 2010


Anonymous said...

I got drunk and barfed.

lori said...

Hahaaaa. So romantic.

Anonymous said...

Yup, then I slept peacefully on the bathroom floor until 3 am. Would you please send Frodo over to clean up the barf.

lori said...

No, but I'll send Dick...

Scott said...

so Mike wouldn't take you out huh....

lori said...

Oh, he would have, but Valentines day is such a farce of obligatory date sex.

And you know, I'm trying to match my 2009 record.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to get drunk but my CT scan was 730 am on the 15th so a hangover would've been a bad idea...

So I went to a free concert in Vancouver instead :)
