There's always reason for excitement, and yesterday was no different. R. arrived with a 60' HDTV for us, some very gas infusing Moroccan Red & Black Lentil Stew, (there is no such thing as a gentle lentil) spinach pastries, candy bags, and by the end of the visit, all the kids bank accounts had been replenished on the sly. Even Frodo gets his own bag of special dog treats. We all feel incredibly special and it's not because of the stuff.
It's just soooo fun. Over the years, the kids have dove naked in to our swamp green swimming pool to retrieve toonies R's tossed in there, (and emerged covered in putrid slime) eaten dog marrow bones for $5 (and barfed afterwards while R. filmed it) and even run completely bucked to the end of our cul de sac on the promise of reward. (and were then reported by the neighbors).
One summer we had front row tickets to a party gone south in the neighbors yard. We all watched in great amusement, while underage kids were stashing beer in bushes and fleeing, and the mother of the kid who had the party, out of her mind, clung to the fence post screaming madly 'I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!' as the cops attempted to drag her away. When they finally got her confined in the cop car, she kicked out the window and made a run for it. R. was the one who called the cops. It's the stuff of history. We'll probably relive those stories forever...
My fav part tho' is R's photoshop skills. He teaches computer graphics for a living & is total pro. I'm a photoshop user 'wanna be' - always struggling with an idea I don't have the skills to carry out. Right now, as the world, (and especially my husband and inlaws) are revelling in Olympic mania - I have a slow burn going over it. I could be almost indifferent if it wasn't thrown in my face everyday - but even my Internet browser reminds me first thing in the morning, that a bunch of idiots made a decision it's more important to pay for entertainment for rich people, than take care of poor ones... Well, that, and I always like to have some sort of 'anti' fight going - it keeps me sane, well, almost sane...
So here's the fruit of yesterday's photoshop session. We're going to make T shirts today, dress up the whole fam, including the dumb dog, and arrive at Mike's school for a protest. Wanna come? It's gonna be sooooo fun.

Olympfuks - The largest crime wave I have seen in my lifetime. Eating away the future while the moron supporters don’t even bat an eyelash. As a matter of fact, they cheer.
Hell ya!!! GO CANADA GO. Oops, sorry I forgot... Carry on….. you I’s & A’s.
I know. Oylmpic fever...ridiculous.
Thx Rob.
I can't believe how idiotic the whole thing is and how everyone thinks it's so friggin great...
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