Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thot of the day...

'It seems to me that our attachment to purpose is born from the need to prove something to ourselves. But life is simply life, and it is not trying to prove anything at all. This springtime will not try to be better than last springtime, and neither will an ash tree try to become an oak.

By letting go our fascination with the extraordinary and spectacular, we can allow ourselves to recognize the simple wonder that lies within the ordinary.

For life has its own purpose and doesn’t need a reason to be. That is its beauty.'

Toni Parsons

Hmmm, 'attachment to purpose'... Quite a thought. What if we didn't need to be attached to grand ideas like 'making a difference' or 'changing the world' and instead just found it unbidded in ordinary things?

I think it'd be the difference between 'doing and being'.
I think I'd like that.


2sunset said...

God bless you Lori.

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