Saturday, June 19, 2010

On Muchness

I watched Alice in Wonderland last night. My son and a close friend critiqued, 'It's weird, I didn't like it, but you probably will.' Ha. And I did.

In this version, Alice has returned to Underland (not Wonderland) as a young woman, having been before as a girl. The Mad Hatter (the crazies always say the smartest things) tells Alice that she's no longer like herself.

'You were much more muchier...(then) You've lost your muchness."


Summer thought #4: Never lose your muchness.


Anonymous said...

Didn't know the word. Had to look it up. Here is one for you. Never lose your muchey-moray (def: one who sits at a computer, constantly eating foods that will cause them to fart).

lori said...

Hah! That IS a word!
(I had to look it up, too!)