If I had any inclination at all to bake, I might try these brownie pumpkins on a stick, cuz they're just so pretty & seasonal. But I don't. I might however, melt up some white chocolate and dip apples tonite, with some growers apple cider for inspiration and to round out the evening.

Also found this great outdoor display that I'm going to try and put together this weekend while all the boys in my fam are away. You hollow the pumpkin in the regular way, but the part that excites me is using the power drill to make the holes. I'm imagining the 'pop'. Something about that... The whole thing is lit up with christmas lights for a safe display.

When I was a kid, my dad had this treasured little 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' monkey statue. This quirky display brought back the memory.

And for the religious among us, who want to celebrate with seasonal 'statement' flair, the Jesus pumpkin. (not on my front deck this year!)

Happy Harvest!
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