Man - this January rain! Like January isn't dull and anti climatic enough without drenching us through and through with this incessant gloomy wetness...
So I'm going to share the one redeeming secret to days like these; days when i find myself driving endlessly in this slop. Just before the corner of
14th and Hyde, there's a fantastic puddle where the sewer water's backed up into a sleeping reservoir of potential. If you speed into it with your car - you can create an astonishing parting of the red sea wall of water - the faster you go, the higher it goes. And if you're immature, as i am , it'll send your adrenaline pumping and make your kids squeal with delight. There's also another rich dense puddle in the
entrance to the parking lot of Hatzic Secondary, and at the corner of
Finch and Ptarimigan. Practice mindfulness today. Enjoy what is. (and woe to unsuspecting pedestrians.)