It was a looooong shift at the restaurant today. I know there's harder jobs in life than serving people stuff, (like omg, nursing or shoveling snow at -41 degrees!) but I think being a server, like any job, takes it's own unique kind of toll on you. It's not always easy, after your 50th trek from the front to the back of the restaurant, to smilingly and graciously deliver ketchup, ice, or more creamers to people who may or may not appreciate your effort.
We try to analyze at the restaurant, what it is that makes job so trying at times. We run a community soup and sandwich service, so along with regular customers, we deal with a variety of street people, alot of whom are bitter. I had a woman like that today, lashing out about our 'take out' only policy again. I wanted to shout, 'C'mon, it's a FREE lunch!', but I simply walked away. You can't argue unthankfulness out of people.
We had another table of very nice British people this afternoon. They liked the food, they liked the place, they liked the service - and yet they tipped $1.56 on a $40 luncheon. Tipping of course is optional, an expression of thankfulness - but it's worth bearing in mind, that a meager tip is something of an insult to a server. We would have just rather done it for free.
I drove home today a little deflated about it all. As I rounded the corner to my street, I saw a kid whiz by on a bike. He was waving his hands wildly, smiling broadly and goofily throwing kisses toward my car. It took me a second to recognize him as my own son. I had a sudden rush of warmth, and yes, I guess you could call it joy, at the sight of him. And everything else faded away.
You know, I think it's true. The best things in life are absolutely free.