Well, after my 10th $25 parking ticket yesterday, I think it's time to admit the parking meter woman has finally won. I'm going to city hall tomorrow to give away $250 and terminate the war. I guess while I'm at it, I should case out a new legal parking spot as well. I feel like Randall Patrick McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, when Nurse Ratchett and the shock doctors lobotomized poor Randall into ultimate submission...
Let’s look at this ticket thing from another perspective. What is a yearly custom parking spot right in front of your restaurant worth?
10 sporadic parking tickets ($25 each = $250), and 365 days in a year.
So, $250/365 days = .65 cents per day.
Your parking spot sounds like a good deal to me, but when you go to city hall maybe you should ask if you could buy that spot.
I have done that exact math too! We must be related!!!
I'm hoping the city will approve the patio I'm planning on my parking spot tho' - so I don't want my name associated with a-n-y thing that could potentially screw it up. There is method to this madness...
Excellent Plan!!
wimp! where is your fighting spirit. you used to be cool...
(annette is punching me)
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