Saturday, October 24, 2009

25 Things I've Learned on the Way to 50

1.) Take relational risks. Invite the crazy family from India, the pot smoking chainsawing burnouts, the Jablome band & the JW's over for dinner. All at the same time. It will enrich your life.

2.) Get really drunk every now & then. It reminds you how good not being drunk is.

3.) Every now & then, buy something REALLY extravagant with your grocery money. All your grocery money. Like roses - and deliver them to your friends, or better yet, your enemies.

4.) Hang out with teenagers & kids. They're so heartening.

5.) Keep up with new music & technology. It's amazing how smart it is.

6.) Once in a very long while, let yourself unabashedly cry your eyes. Alone. Then get on with it.

7.) Listen hard.

8.) Ignore yourself. You don't make much sense anyhow.

9.) Study dogs. They'll make you laugh.

10.) Always remember doing anything illegal will bite you in the ass. And rip your pants. And they'll probably be your fav pants.

11.) Never be promiscuous, no matter how thrilling it seems. It sears your soul.

12.) Try to keep in mind that other people's passions aren't stupid, even if they're math & numbers...or church.

13.) Don't scrimp on good chocolate, good coffee or good vodka.

14.) Travel. And if you can't travel, at least look at pictures and read about other places & people. The world is amazing.

15.) Fight hard for every single thing you believe in.

16.) Don't kill yourself for your mistakes. Try to talk to yourself like a friend, not the asshole you think you are.

17.) Laugh every chance you get.

18.) Create something out of nothing. It's almost spiritual. And so exciting.

19.) Release your inner rock star. Sing in the car at the top of your lungs. With the windows open. You might get discovered.

20.) Learn to be responsible. Even if it kills you, and it will.

21.) Find your dream & pursue it with your whole heart. Remember dreams change as you go. Let them.

22.) Appreciate everything. Especially people.

23.) Don't let your fears run your life. Do whatever it takes to overcome them.

24.) Take stock of yourself, but not too often.

25.) Always believe there is more, even if you don't.