The friend I went with is hosting something called a 'pastorate' at her home tonight. I've always thought the 'pastorate' was an occupation devout people entered in to as a career. But it turns out, in this case anyways, 'pastorate' is a fancy name for a youth group. This particular 'pastorate' needed a catchy name to attract the kids. We were thinking 'Stupid Pasturds' might be fitting. (hah, known a few of those in my life...!)
On another note, my very conservative church husband, my oldest son & I were eating dinner tonite when the dog decided some personal genital grooming was in order. 'Wow,' Sam commented, 'nothing like eating dinner watching your dog give himself oral sex!' Hahaha...
Kinda reminds me of the time we were having a formal family dinner with my very conservative mother in law and my oldest daughter casually called someone a 'douche'. And then as everyone sputtered & choked, inquired, 'what exactly is a douche anyways?'
Good question really. I bet half the kids who use that word don't know what it means. I mean, I never would have known what one was if I hadn't snuck in to my mom's dresser drawer with the neighborhood kids, pondering the weird rubber squeezy ball and tube contraption she had hidden under her sweaters...
Well, it's Thanksgiving weekend, isn't it. I'm so glad I didn't come from one of those families where everyone sits around the Horn of Plenty, misty eyed and prayerfully 'shares what they're thankful for' during the meal. That 'sharing' however, is a bit of tradition with the Abercrombies. I'm hoping though, there's enough Helem in at least one of my kids to time that holiday fart just right...
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you must sit around the horn of plenty this Thanksgiving weekend all misty eyed and prayerful, I have a recipe for borscht that will bring the Helem out in all. I'll email it to you. Farting will be smelled, heard and felt for miles!!
And just in case you decide to make the borscht, I am not concerned. Jennifer and I will be in Oceanside, Oregon. Well out of range, but farting all the same (last night we made sauerkraut and perogies).
Be back on Tuesday.
Enjoy your weekend!!
could somebody pass the gas please?
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